Service Area
Bail Bond Services Waco

Quality Bail Bond Help McLennan County
Kocian Bail Bonds is conveniently located in Waco, Texas, and is located just 10 minutes from the Jail. We help our clients with their bonding process. We provide reliable, quality bond services, including help with felonies, misdemeanors, probation revocations/walk-through, indictment bonds, immigration bonds (call for further details), & transfer bonds.
We are here to serve you with this process and offer professional advice in regards to the process. We are proudly serving McLennan County and neighboring counties, call us today at 254-756-2992.
Transfer Bonds
A transfer bond is a bail bond written for a person in another jurisdiction to get them out of jail there. For example, if you know someone who gets arrested in San Antonio, but you live in Waco,you are able to help them through Kocian Bail Bonds here in Waco. You don’t need to worry about calling a bail bondsman in San Antonio. The professionals at Kocian Bail Bonds are here to help the great people of Texas.
Felony Bonds
Felony charges are taken very seriously and require that a bail bond hearing be held. During the hearing, the financial situation and the nature of the crime of the person in custody will be analyzed and taken into account.
For a person to stand trial for a felony, that person must be first indicted by a grand jury. After, the person indicted must assure the court that they will show up for trial. Feel free to call Kocian Bail Bonds who serves the McLennan, Hill, Falls, and Bosque counties.
Misdemeanor Bonds
Misdemeanors are more severe than an infraction but less severe than a felony. Misdemeanors can still have a serious punishment and can negatively affect somebody’s life. If you’re in the Waco area, call Kocian today to help you and your loved ones.
Our judiciary system uses probation to give people a chance to show the court that the behavior that brought them before the judge was not their normal behavior. You can get in serious trouble for violating probation rules, and it might just be a simple mistake you or a loved one might have made. Call Kocian in the Waco area today to help you out.
Get Out of Jail in the Waco Area
If you or a loved one has been taken to jail in McLennan County, call Kocian Bail Bonds today. We also proudly serve the Hill, Falls, and Bosque counties as well. Have any questions or concerns? Feel free to contact our team today!