Probation Revocation Bond Walk Through Bond
probation Revocation & Walk Through Bonds
Our Trusted Bail Bond Experts Can Help.

Probation Revocation Bond / Walk Through Bond
If you need to secure a Probation Revocation Bond or a Walk Through Bond, contact Kocian Bail Bonds. We serve the greater Waco area. We’ll do all we can do to get you out of jail – fast.
If you are on probation, you are already somewhat familiar with how the system works. Probation is used by our judiciary system to give people a chance to show the court that the behavior that brought them before the judge was not their normal behavior. Probation is seen as a privilege, a promise by the accused that they will follow the letter of the law and not do anything to bring them into the courtroom again.
Probation Violation Bonds
When someone violates terms of their probation and comes before the judge again, getting bail can be difficult. Whether a person is granted bail or not greatly depends on the judge and the nature of the violation. Oftentimes, the terms of probation are strict and the person finds them hard to follow; for additional or mental health issues they may be nearly impossible. Violations of probation can be actions, or non-actions, as simple as not reporting a change of address, failing to pay restitution, failing a urine test, or contacting someone they have been ordered not to have contact with. Alternately, the violation can be serious and separate violations of the law. The judge has the discretion to charge you with a violation and revoke your probation. It is important that you gather evidence that you have been doing your best to comply with the terms of your probation.
Walk Through Bond
In many cases, when the violation is discovered, a warrant for arrest is put out for the person. If that person chooses to turn themselves in and wants to avoid pretrial incarceration, they can secure a walk through bond as part of the process. This bond is presented at the time of surrender to clear the warrant. This enables the person to immediately be released and continue probation, if the judge agrees.
Call Kocian Bonds today for bail bonds. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.